Campaigning to stop a solar power station glazing this lovely valley

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We need to stop Kronos from building a 42 acre solar power station in the Newbiggin Valley.

Renewable, green energy is so important but we also need to protect productive agricultural land. If we don’t, we will import even more of what we eat. Importing food is, of course, not green.

Some headlines:

1.      We import 40% of our food this could rapidly increase to 50%. Food security is critical and food poverty is already a concern

2.      Bioenergy crops and solar farms have accounted for a 3.3% loss of arable land in the last 2 years, predictions are for a further 6.5% loss.

3.      The Newbiggin Valley is home to a wide range of wildlife that needs protecting

4.      The proposed Kronos development would be 42 acres of eyesore – 10 foot high solar panels surrounded by 12 foot high fences

5.      The valley footpath is popular with runners, walkers, cyclists and horse riders.

6.      We are concerned that the junction to the access road will be hazardous on the busy Greystoke Road

7.      This proposal would be one more development in the area, the second solar power station. Between these and the development at Ullswater Heights, poor Newbiggin is being squeezed on every side by industrialisation and is likely to lose its character for good.

Read more detail in “Why we object”