We think that we should not use productive land for power generation when it currently provides grazing for livestock and is used to grow crops such as barley. Recent developments such as the war in Ukraine and Covid have shown us how important it is for us supply as much of our own food as possible right here in the UK, not to mention the need to reduce food miles.
According to Kronos, the land in the Newbiggin Valley is Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) 3B.
Grade 3B is defined as “Moderate quality agricultural land capable of producing moderate yields of a narrow range of crops or lower yields of a wider range of crops.”(MAFF 1988)
It seems that DEFRA agrees and it is likely that Solar Power Stations will be officially banned on 3B land as Best and Most Versatile (BMV) land is likely to be explicitly redefined.
“We’re conscious that there have been quite a few big schemes in recent months or over the last 12 months, where planning authorities seem to have either forgotten or started to disregard that advice,” said Eustice.
“I don’t think new guidance was issued by MHCLG, but if... they don’t understand the legal definition of BMV* land we will take that up with them. But 3B constitutes BMV* land.”
Source: 4/7/2022 from Solar Power Portal